Wednesday, June 20, 2012

First Salvo in The Battle of the Books

While we all look forward to the annual joust and we have nothing but admiration for the Boyne Writers Group we live in hope that there will be no repetition of the shameful behaviour of the judges.   Our gripe is not with the Boyne Writers team but we have reservations about a judge that will deduct points because a particular piece is supposed to be out of date despite the fact that is contained references to people like Bono, Michael Lowery and several other characters currently in the news.  Then when one of our members tried to make a point he was for the want of a better word ganged upon.  That particular judge just didn’t understand what it was all about. .  I had to use all my powers of persuasion to get a team to compete under these conditions.  These gripes it must be said were not lost on the audience who on more than one occasion voiced their disapproval in no uncertain manner.   However, we did get a team and they are a very angry team and short of using fisticuffs it will be adopting a policy of zero tolerance towards the judges


  1. Well said Tommy. My great grandfather had a similar problem at the OK Corral but he got it sorted in the end.


  2. Oh dear, we're really in for it this year. Ah well there's always next year!!

  3. Michael, I only stated that we were angry I didn't say a word about skill or so we won't be led into a false sense of security again this year. having said that we are extremely confidant

  4. Good on you, Tommy! If there's a threat of rowdy scenes, we'll probably be able to sell more tickets on foot of it.

  5. Actually I'm expecting a physical contest and to that end we are enlisting the services of a real heavyweight


  6. Be careful Tommy, when they're trying to be nice.


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