The Yellow Steeple from the Water Meadow--- Follow Tommy Murray on Irish Writers Online Main website
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Meath Writer's Circle at Christmas
The Chronicle at Christmas has always been a great platform for our poetry and long may it last.
Personally this has been the twenty sixth year in a row that I had poems in the Chronicle for Christmas and the feedback always surpasses expectations
Will be looking forward to meeting them all at our meeting which should be in the middle of January.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Meath Writers Circle News
A special word of thanks to Lane Galvin, Jack Delaney, Sharon Murphy, Danny Smith, Caoimhe Boyce and all who brought presents or Christmas Cards and a special word of congratulation to 11 year old Sarah McShane from Navan who managed to write the perfect Villanelle at the first attempt. Meetings will resume on Saturday 8th January
As for the adult or senior section of the Writers Circle it is great to learn that Slane writer nd long time member of the circle John Reidy will be coming back to us in the new year. He should have plenty of new material to write about after his long sea voyage
Friday, December 17, 2010
Boyne Writers Group
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Book Launch
invites you to celebrate the publication of
Compiled & Edited by
Dogs Singing
A Tribute Anthology
Compiled & Edited by
Jessie Lendennie
The Unitarian Church
112 St Stephen’s Green West
Dublin 2
Tuesday 14th December, 7.30pm
Launch introduction by Sharon Ní Bheoláin
Visit our website for further details:
Monday, December 13, 2010
With the Boyne Through Trim
Sunday, December 12, 2010
New Hibernia Review
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Liam O Meara on the Francis Ledwidge Awards
The Yeti
I’m with Darwin on this one
Huxley and Hooker too
So instead of trekking across
Desolate mountain ranges
Looking for a seven foot tall
Semi-celibate recluse
I would expect to come face to face
With a race of ungainly
Auburn haired introverts
A promiscuous assemblage
Of loose limbed athletic types
With just a hint of hairiness
Brown eyed beings
Fighting for space in a sort of
Malthusian nightmare
And of course they would have digital cameras
And the office party
Would be the highlight of their year
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Through the hush
Of a soot scented evening
I watch them
Laughing and winking
On the wet windowsill
And windowsill
Before fading
Like faggots in a flame
Moments of glory
And mood swings
Crash landing
In a frenzy of
Fan whipped fury
Goose plucking down
In sparkling confections
Of cinquains and sonnets
And full throated renderings
That mimic the fickle vagaries of spring
Tommy Murray
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Francis Ledwidge Awards
I still remember with affection my first win there . It was for a poem called Stella's Cottage which also won in The Allingham Arts Competition . I have never met more dedicated people that Liam and Michael and feel not a little proud to be included in three of their anthologies especially 'Ingredients of Poetry', which just happens to be one of the most informative books on poetry I have ever come across
Thursday, December 2, 2010

The forecast had been spot on
Just enough
To cover a scattering of rooftops
With thin strips for chimney stacks
And telephone poles
Enough too
To ensure
That for a few short hours
My garden would look exactly
Like those of my neighbours
An d despite the years of inactivity
And neglect
I could now take my place
Among the most diligent
And capable horticulturists
In the locality
Tommy Murray