The Yellow Steeple from the Water Meadow--- Follow Tommy Murray on Irish Writers Online Main website
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Stony Thursday Book
As a matter of fact I won t publish until I get published in these two first
Sunday, October 24, 2010
2010 -A very good year
I would have to say that I am delighted with the way things went for me during 2010 beginning with Meath Oral History with Maurice O'Keefe and winning the battle of the books would have been great but to get published in The Meath Anthology and get 3rd prize in the Swift satire and get to be guest reader at the White House in Limerick was really great but there was more to come and in August I got a certificate of Merit from the Golden Pen and winning the Poet of Fingal in Swords for the third time was followed by publication in the Stony Thursday Book, being through to the Finals of the Bard of Armagh and the latest being shortlisted in the Saggart Arts Competition.
Of course there were several other lesser moments such as the publication of my twelfth book 'With the Boyne Through Trim' and the launch of the Children's Anthology.The highlights for me were publication in The Meath Anthology, The Stony Thursday Book while winning the Poet of Fingal and being invited to be guest reader at the White House were memorable. All in all a great year so far.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Saggart Heritage And Arts Centre
Even more delighted to know that I don't have to attend and my prize or Certificate or what ever will be sent on to me. The final takes place on Saturday 30th October at 8pm. My poem will be read by a designated reader
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Launch of Paper Trails
and maybe a chance listen to some future literary star. In the twelve years that this class has been going as many as 216 young writers from the Navan area have been involved. Currently there is a waiting list. All of the 26 children in This years class will be featured in the book and all will read their poems on the night. It is expected that with parents, teachers and friends it should be a full house
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Stony Thursday Book and The Bard of Armagh
Having a poem in a publication such as 'The Stony Thursday Book is something of a milestone as it is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland.
The Stony Thursday book will be on sale from this week cost 10 euro
The Bard of Armagh
November looks like being a busy month because I am just after receiving word from John Makem that I am in the final of the Bard of Armagh contest. That takes place in the Armagh City Hotel on Friday 19th November. Maybe it will be third time lucky because I have been runner up on two previous occasions.
Then there is that reading in Drogheda on the 24th.
Having narrowly missed out in 2004 and 2005 the possibility of holding the Poet of Fingal and Bard of Armagh trophies at the same time is on again this year. The first leg of this illusive double is already up and there are only seven other poets between myself and it. Anyway looking forward to meeting John Makem , Frank Galligan. It's always a great occasion
Tipi couldn’t have known
What she was letting herself in for
The clans, the cliques the coteries
The outrageous behaviour
Assassins all, I say
Serial killers
And who’s for murder, she might have asked
Or matricide
Even thuggery
Thievery too
As for promiscuity
And polygamy
And adult homosexual couplings
These too
And the last thing
She would have thought was gang rape
Oh yes, it was all out there
Just a cliff away
In a Hitchcockian swirl
Of screaming gulls and guillemots
Messages of congratulation still coming in----
susanna Dunne – Yesterday, 10:51 AM
to you on your Brilliant" news.

Also would like to wish you every success and the best off luck.

Aine – Yesterday, 11:54 AM

Helen46 – Yesterday, 3:45 PM
James F Linnane – 7:19 PM
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Paper Trails
The collection, which contains the work of 26 young people from the Navan and Kells area will be launched by the Meath Arts Officer Geradette Baily and it is expected that a large crowd of parents, teachers and friends will be there, This will be the fourth collection of work by the members of the Meath Junior Writer's Group, the previous ones being 'Gemstones' Building Blocks' and 'Rough Diamonds'.
The organisers would like to thank the Meath Arts Office the CEO and staff of the The Meath Library Service and all who have done so much to keep the flag of poetry flying in County Meath
Saturday, October 9, 2010
This is the opening event in a packed four days of poetry events though and, not being into shameless self-promotion exclusively, I'd encourage you to attend and give your support to the other invited guests too, or as many as you can, among them Alan Peterson, Catherine Phil MacCarthy, Rita Ann Higgins, Vincent Woods, Kerry Hardie... Ed.\O Dwyer
Friday, October 8, 2010
Al Ireland Poetry Day Readings

Congratulations to Sean Kane, Paul Martin Frank Murphy Paddy Pryle and Willie Hodgins all of whom won prizes at the recent All Ireland Poetry Day readings in the Navan Library. The event which was well attended was a most enjoyable experience
Reading in the Navan Library right and in the Trim Church Left
Picture courtesy of Mick Sheils
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
All Ireland Poetry Day readings
A large number of readers have announced their intention of attending including Poet Peter Fallon and also LM/FM may turn up fior what promises to be a great event. Just received word on facebook that Paddy Pryle will be reading
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Michael Hartnett
" I did ," I said wondering how he had been so quick to spot the form of the poem.
There were four stanzas in that poem and there were the exact number of syllables in each stanza and a few extra in the last one. This was quite acceptable according to the late poet and I had stumbled on it by accident. It is something that I never forgot and now when ever I write a poem I take particular note of this, unless of course it is free verse and even then one must deploy a regular rhythm
There is no substitute for the experience that one may pick up along the way and since then whenever I met a poet that I admire i always tried to get some little gem of information. There is no shortage of advice on such pecularities as punctuation and spelling but when it comes to things like Scancion advice is not as prolific. What poets like Kavanagh who sat by the canal and wrote verses for half a crown a time or McGill who picked potatoes for a living or indeed Ledwidge who worked on the raod from Navan to Slane knew about these considerations I am not sure but it worked for them.