The Yellow Steeple from the Water Meadow--- Follow Tommy Murray on Irish Writers Online Main website
Thursday, March 31, 2011
April Meeting of the Meath Writer's Circle
This notice has already been placed in the Meath Chronicle.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Book Sales
Book Sales
Figures just released by publishers ‘The History Press’ show that 575 copies of ‘Images of Meath were sold for the six months ending in September 2010. This figure does not include copies sold locally in County Meath.
In addition 298 copies of ‘With the Boyne through Trim’ were sold in local outlets during the same period. 159 copies of ‘Counting Stained Glass Windows’
Both ‘Images of Meath’ and ‘Counting Stained Glass Windows’ are currently available on Amazon, W H Smith and Kenny’s Bookshop Galway.
Used copies of these publications are also available on eBay.
Figures for ‘Voices of Trim' during the same period are 7 and ‘Meath Voices’ 15
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Strokestown International Poetry Competition 2011
Mike Barlow, Lancashire, U.K; Matthew Barton, Avon U.K.; Jo Bell, Cheshire, U.K; Isobel Dixon, Cambridgeshire U.K; Susanne Ehrhardt, Oxfordshire, U.K; Ed Frankel, California U.S.A.; Tim O’Leary, London, U.K.; Jane Routh Lancashire, U.K.; Elisabeth Rowe, Devonshire, U.K.; Pat Winslow Oxfordshire, U.K.
No Irish Poet among the ten shortlisted poets for the top prize at Strokestown.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Welsh Poetry Competition 2011
Welsh Poetry Competition 2011
The 5th international Welsh Poetry Competition (2011) aims to encourage and reward the abundance of creative writing talent that exists in Wales but finds difficulty getting recognition. If you love writing, love poetry, are passionate and truly care about one of the greatest art forms in the world, the Welsh Poetry Competition want to hear from you!
They are independent and do not use filter judges. All entries are judged anonymously by the judge - Welsh novelist, poet and short fiction writer, and former winner of the competition Sally Spedding.
Prizes: 1st Prize - £300, 2nd Prize - £150 and 3rd Prize - £75.
To enter you need to compose a poem, in English, of less than 50 lines and send to the competition organizers. Entry forms are available by post, can be downloaded from the website or picked up from Wales’ libraries. It costs £3 to enter and the closing date is Sunday 29th May 2011.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The poem revolves around the word 'Again' which merits a line of its own and is pivotal, highlighting the fact that the gap that was there before birth is now there Again
Rather, it is the thought that
You have ceased to exist that haunts me
Stalks my waking hours
Infiltrates my dreams
That you are not here nor there
Nor yonder
That you have diminished
Down the corridors of time
To become a gap in the crowd
Even by your absence
The milky way at noon
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Boyne Readings
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tonight's Readers

very successful reading by members of the Navan Junior Writer's Group for the Navan
Shamrock festival took place tonight (Tuesday)
before a large crowd in the County Library
Our picture shows some of tonight's Young readers with Poet Tommy Murray
Pictures by courtesy of Mick( the sheriff) Sheils
Also from top,Sarah McShane Meadhbh Tiernan, Clara Harlin and Amy Curtis
Below Amy Curtis reading
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Memories of Writer's Week in Listowel
This is the third of over two hundred poems which I intend to post on this website over the coming months. They come from my collections 'Something Beginning with Spring' -- 'Tales from the Echo Gate'--'The Boyne' and my latest 'Counting Stained Glass Windows' I wrote this poem while on a visit to Writer's Week some years back.
On Reading Two Poems at Writer’s Week
To Listowel I came to savour
That Brigadoon of pubs and pints
Pathways lined with waving quills
Climb perhaps
The odd creative hill
Just hoping
To stroll along some quiet shore
Listen to the ebb and flow
Maybe hear the distant breakers roar
Between the twin peaks
Of Brian and John B
I stood upon a mountain top
And gazed across the sea
And later in the harbour
In view of everyone
I walked lightly on the water
Out into the sun
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
To the Memory of a friend recently departed
Morning up in East Ham
Morning up in east Ham
Peering through wet panes
Imprisoned by September’s
Saturating chains, tapping out
The rhythm of the London bound trains
Window bound in East Ham
Deciphering the scene
Rows of ageing red brick
Where dappled pigeons preen
Toppling cricket stumps
On a threadbare green
Gazing over East Ham
Counting tower blocks
Barren window boxes
Limp white shirts and socks
Manipulating cranes
Over by the docks
Morning up in East Ham
Waiting for the sun
To crown the factory wall
Where night work’s almost done
With skywriting jets
And silhouettes that stun
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Stella's Cottage
Stella’s cottage
Smothered in autumn now
Its shrunken walls still fighting off the fields
As youngsters we used to sack potatoes there
On damp days under the tinder dry thatch
Hunkered and cramped
As we rummaged among the gaunt growths
For pinks and banners
And the odd golden wonder
Rubbing shoulders with the riff raff
And where’tis said
Forbidden fruit once flourished
And angels strayed in from the straight and narrow
We slung poreens through the rough door
Without as much as a thought for the ghost
That stood on the step
Stella’s cottage
Struggling with September
What ghost stands there now?
My sack is full, youth
A crumpled pile in the corner
The thatch has given way
To bramble, sprig and sky
And by the rough door wild potatoes pose
For puzzled passers by
So what ghost stands there now?
What spirit lurks
In this skipful of briars by the roadside
Above is a poem that I wrote about the famous cottage belonging to Stella ( Esther ) Johnson
A frequent visitor to the cottage Dean Jonathon Swift was a friend of Miss Johnson
After an unsuccessful attempt to restore the cottage in the 1960s it was then allowed to become a ruin.
Stella lived there around 1710 only vacating it when she bought a larger house in the nearby town of Trim
I Include these notes and poem in response to a request from Trim Paddy Byrne.
The poem itself was a prize winner in The Allingham Arts competition
Further information on Sella's Cottage may be found in a book of that name which i wrote some years ago and is now available in the libraries